Friday, August 24, 2007

My 2 year old!!

This is Elyse in her room when she should have been napping, I went in and she had taken off her diaper and put on her "rainy boots" to "clean-up" her room. I just had to laugh and grab the camera!
Precious Paige in a little knit hat that Grandma had bought in Germany for Elyse but it was too small and it fits Paige perfect!


Cait said...

I am not even joking Brooklyn did the same thing the other day, with gum boot on and all! But she just a shirt on as a skirt. Paige is such a cutie, I love the hat!

Kari said...

Your girls are beautiful... especially from behind!! It was so good to hear from you. We are looking forward to seeing you next summer. I'll have to continue to check out your blog so I can see more pictures of your sweet little ladies!!