Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hello Tumble, Good-Bye Thumb-sucking

This is Elyse's new favorite toy that I was more than happy to buy her. I told her if she could stop sucking her thumb for 2 weeks we could go to Toys R Us and pick out a toy that she wanted. Well, she saw this Fur Real dog on T.V. and really wanted it so she was very motivated. I am so proud to say that she is DONE sucking her thumb. I can't believe that she broke the habit but she tried really hard and was very determined, quite the feat for a 3 year old. She doesn't even do it at night anymore, way to go Elyse!!


Cait said...

I am SO jealous! I wish it was that easy for us!

The Thomas Family said...

Cute Halloween pics... I love the pictures after getting home and going through all the treats. Heaven!