Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years

Happy New Year to all of you. I hope that it is a happy and healthy one! I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family and have resolved to be a more patient Mom (and drop a few pounds - but hey, I love my chocolate!).

New Years Eve we (Bruce, Alida, Chris and I) went for wings and Mom and dad watched all the kids. We were back by 6:00 and then just hung out. The kids love playing together and we thought we'd see how long they hung in there.
We tried to play a few games, but it is near impossible with the kids. We did play Pictionary with some success. Elyse guessed what Chris was drawing when I couldn't and her pictures were quite good too!
So we made it to 10:00 with the kids - here is our 10:00pm New Year! Chris and I took the girls home and made it to midnight just the two of us. Very mellow this year but it was nice!

New Years Day
We have a tradition of bowling and playing games on New Years Day. We were all a little skeptical of how bowling would go, but it was GREAT! The kids LOVED it and we all had a good time.
Elyse was very keen and loved to cheer everyone one. I was surprised that she was patient enough to wait her turn.
Paige was such a good sport. Every time the ball rolled down the lane she would watch it all the way and then cheer. It was too cute!

We still play games but we have moved on to the electronic type -- the Wii. It is really fun and the kids love it.
Paige and "Bumpa" are best buddies.Elyse and Paige showing off their horses to Grandma. It was really fun to have everyone over. It was a great day.
This is just random but I love that Paige and Elyse are getting to the age that they really like to be around each other. They are so cute together and I hope they will the best of friends.


The Thomas Family said...

Hey! The holidays looked like they were perfect this year! You have such a great family!
Being a more patient mom... good one! :) I guess I need to re-resolve to do that at the end of each day. Easier said than done but so necessary for our kids, huh.