Wednesday, May 9, 2007

2 Year Photos

We went to have Elyse's pictures done for her second birthday. I am pleased at how they turned out. She was so co-operative I couldn't believe it. I had to wake her up and she protested pretty much the whole way there but then was such a good sport.

This is a picture quite similar to one that I had done around my second birthday. We thought it would be neat to have one for Elyse too. She has WAY more hair than I ever did at her age.

I hadn't really planned on being in the pictures but the photographer told her to listen for the baby in Mommy's tummy and I just loved the look on her face!

I love how innocent she looks in this picture. She is our little angel.


Cait said...

LAURA!!!!!! Those are SO CUTE! Seriously I love them. I might just have to brake down and pay! I want pictures that cute!