Thursday, May 24, 2007

Paige Sophia Vivier

Paige was born May 19 at 2:25am. She was 8lbs 4 oz and 21.5 inches long. She is a healthy, happy little girl. She has dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. We are so lucky to welcome her to our family

Happy Family. This is right after she was born. It was a pretty good labour - as good as it can be I guess :)

Elyse came to visit in the hospital. She loves Paige and being a big sister. We are all adjusting to our new roles.

So far Paige is a really good little baby. She is really mellow and sleeps lots during the day - around Midnight is her party time so we are all a bit sleep deprived but I guess that goes with the territory. I'll try to keep the posted updated as they change so much from day to day.


Kirkland's said...

Laura, what a doll! I can't wait to see your cute girls. Mom tells me all the witty things Elyse says, I'm sure you wonder how Paige's little personality will develop. Congrats!