Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some Recent Pic's

Elyse is a VERY lovey little girl, she is alway giving all of us hugs and kisses and telling us she loves us.
Elyse is getting so big, she looks more like a "kid" and less like a toddler everyday!
Here's the Paigers looking so cute. She is starting to protest now when Elyse takes things from her. She is pretty feisty! I think I am going to have some epic battles to come!
This is a classic Elyse pose. She is trying REALLY HARD not to suck her thumb, but it is a challenge. We went to see Dr. Thomas and Elyse told her she was trying not to do it anymore, we'll see what happens, and thanks for the check-up Jess!
We have had some really nice weather the last few weeks. We took the kids to the zoo and Connor, Coleman and Alida joined us. I love this picture of Connor and Elyse trying to see the Zebra's. It was really nice to get out. I can't wait for Spring!